Steve’s Sticks - Walking Sticks & Canes
When duck hunting the creeks and swamps of South Carolina, seasoned sportsmen utilize a “stick” to gauge the depth of water they are in and to assist in identifying hazards such as drop-offs. In addition, the stick will stabilize the hunter when negotiating uneven terrain and in emergencies can be used as a tool enabling another hunter to more easily pull their companion to safety. Any solid stick five to seven feet in length can be used, however, “Steve’s Sticks” are uniquely designed for extended use season after season. The type of wood, size, and strength all are considerations in selecting the materials used. All work performed on the sticks selected is accomplished by hand and when finished is unique in that no two sticks will be the same.
The popularity of “Steve‘s Sticks” has resulted in an expansion of their use. From hunting, hiking, or just enjoying the outdoors these sticks have taken on a companion role to owners. Their use is only limited by one’s imagination. From providing stability to the user to being used to ward off an unfriendly dog the “Sticks” utility is unlimited.
In addition to the Stick custom handcrafted wood canes are also available. Just as with the Stick canes are totally handcrafted and individually unique. Care in the selection of the type of wood and the overall design results in Steve’s canes becoming a welcome companion to anyone needing support when walking. Both the “stick” and “cane” will endure a lifetime of use and will earn a trusted companion status with the owner.